This AGC letter to the editor appeared in the August 24 edition of the Livingston (MI) Daily Press.
Dear Editor:
We always welcome coverage of greyhound adoption, but we are disappointed to see misinformation like that contained in your Aug. 19 story about a local couple that adopted a retired greyhound ("Couple putting dogs on track to happiness.")
Greyhound racing works with mainstream adoption groups throughout the nation to find suitable homes for retired racers. Today, more than 90 percent of all registered greyhounds are adopted or returned to the farm as pets or breeders when they retire. Racing and adoption organizations are working together to reach the goal of 100 percent placement of all eligible greyhounds in the near future.
Common sense tells us that greyhounds must receive the best care and treatment in order to perform at their peak. Their crates must be large enough for them to sit, stand, turn around and lie down comfortably. Their diet must be nutritious and satisfying. They must be turned out for fresh air and exercise periodically throughout the day.
Whether on the farm or at the track, kennel operators are expected to comply with these standards. Those who violate them are banned from the sport for life, and others prohibited from doing business with them. Very few industries take such bold steps to rid themselves of the "bad apples" in their business.
The best proof of the good care that greyhounds receive is the dogs themselves. Adoptive greyhound owners, including the ones in your story, marvel at how gentle, loving and friendly these retired racers are. It should be obvious that they wouldn’t be that way if they had been mistreated during their athletic careers.
Helping to find adoptive homes for greyhounds is a great thing. Misleading the public about the quality of their lives, not so much.
Gary Guccione
American Greyhound Council
Abilene, Kan.