Greyhound adoption has become an amazing success story. Thanks to unprecedented cooperation and communication between greyhound racing and hundreds of dedicated adoption organizations coast to coast, more than 90 percent of all registered greyhounds are adopted or returned to the farm as pets or breeders when they retire. The goal is to achieve 100 percent placement of all eligible greyhounds in the near future.
Toward that end, greyhound tracks and industry organizations spend more than $2 million annually on track-based and independent adoption efforts. Those managed by the American Greyhound Council include:
Adoption Grants
The AGC grant program offers assistance to local, regional and national adoption groups with some of the expenses associated with placing greyhounds in adoptive homes, including food, medicines, bedding, collars, leashes, and fuel for animal transport.
Each year, the AGC sets aside funds for grants to qualifying local adoption groups. Grants are made in varying amounts based on need, number of greyhounds served and other factors at the discretion of the grant committee. More than sixty organizations receive AGC adoption grants in an average year.
To apply for an AGC Adoption Grant, please review the guidelines shown below to ensure that your organization qualifies. Then send your request in letter form to the American Greyhound Council, c/o National Greyhound Association, PO Box 543, Abilene KS 67410.
List of Recent Grant Recipients
“Greyhound Adoption: A National Success Story” Brochure
Adoption Events and Conferences
The AGC is an active sponsor and participant in greyhound adoption events and conferences around the nation, including the well-known Greyhounds Reach the Beach mega-gathering at Dewey Beach, Delaware; the Greyhound Pets of America annual adoption conference; the yearly Greyhound Expo hosted by R.O.A.R., Inc. in Massachusetts; and Race the Wind’s Greyhound Gathering, held each year in Abilene, Kansas.
Adoption Training
To enhance the skills and knowledge of adoption volunteers, the AGC underwrites veterinary presentations at adoption conferences, funds production of training videos and distributes educational materials on greyhound health.